

Manage your licences with Licenstack.

Licenstack help you saving time.

The right software for every employee.

Find the SaaS your teams need.

The tools you need already in.

All the principles SaaS already in the catalogue.

Help us grow adding more tools.

Make a demand for the specific SaaS you need not already in the catalogue.

Don't waste time starting over.

You add your informations one time them it automatically add it for all the licences you need.

Save SaaS time.

Management subscription

Obtain comprehensive insight into the utilization and expenses related to subscriptions.

Track licence renewals

Be notified before the expiration date arrive. Renew automatically your licences.

Make team packages.

Regroupe SaaS licences to assign them all in one time for a specific team collaborater.

Streamline the lifecycle of procuring your SaaS solutions through automation.

Create compliance using smart worflow for each teams. Be notified or create your automatisation of updates, renewals of deletions.


Get a visual dashboard that allowd you navigating easely into your licences, you teams and you costs.

Save a huge amount of time

Is your business struggling to keep up with the rapid increase in SaaS and cloud spending?

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