Simple, Transparent & Free !

You pay your licences and it’s done.

You can take full advantage of our services without worrying about hidden fees or subscription costs, they doesn’t exist. With our free solution, you can optimize your SaaS management and cloud infrastructure without compromising your budget, allowing your company to thrive without added financial strain.

Need some more informations ?

Constantly overseeing and handling all your SaaS renewals can be a persistent challenge for businesses, regardless of their size, whether or not they have a specialized procurement team.
We can help you save your time and saas management much easier for you and your company.


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What licenstack do for you ?

We onboard your existing SaaS tool ecosystem, providing a thorough overview that ensures complete transparency.

We help you manage your SaaS licences and have the right amount.

We notify you all renewals that come up and make sure you don’t miss them.

How do we stard ?

After creating your account and validate you email, you add us on your licences as “billing account”. Then you add your collaborators and your paiement method on licenstack. At this point you will only have to deal with the new licences you want to add. We take care of you mensual bill regrouping all you different licences.

What is included in the pricing ?

Licenstack is a free service. You only have to pay your licences.

What do I gain ?

Using licenstack will allow you more time on your core business and less on the SaaS management. With the full visibility and control of your licences, you will be faster and even have a better control on your time budget.